Thoughts of fate’s victim

You are a victim.
You’re not to blame. Everything happens to you. Lack of money to fulfill your dreams is the fault of the government, oil prices, and rising rents. The reason why no one understands you is people are stupid. And why do you occasionally explode with anger? Your parents’ fault. They didn’t teach you how to deal with emotions.
You spend your whole life running away from responsibility.
You think a new car, tattoo, or house will give you what you want. But you’re lying to yourself. You can’t get what you want. Because you don’t know that. Finding out takes time and energy, and you don’t have either. You’ve wasted everything.
You spend hours thinking about who’s to blame. You watch squabbles in parliament, celebrity romances, and read the newspaper to stay informed. Then you claim you’re “crazy busy” and wear it like a badge of honor. The truth is, you’re busy because you don’t know what you want to do. And when you have a sudden enlightenment, that you fcuked up you don’t know where to start. You’re ok, so the world must be at fault.
There are two solutions to this problem, and only one is good.
You take responsibility for your actions, their results, and your thoughts, or you don’t. But then the decaying process will continue. A fate worse than death awaits you. Instead of living, you’ll only see what bothers you.
But if you take responsibility, you stop floundering.
You discover what you want and how to get it. You understand that you’re standing in the way of your dreams. You stop looking for culprits and start looking for solutions. You get out of your way. Because if you want something, you have to take it. And you have to work for it. Then, instead of fleeting dopamine rushes from doom-scrolling, you get long-lasting satisfaction. More than peace, joy, and happiness – the meaning of life.
Take responsibility for your life, and it’s all yours.
Being a victim means being powerless
When you believe you’re a victim, you waste energy looking for culprits.
But the worst part is that blaming others is easier than taking responsibility. And since it’s easier, you have a surplus of energy. What will you use it for, since you won’t use it to work on yourself? For porn, Instagram, Twitter, or Netflix. As a result, the feeling of powerlessness will grow.
Reflecting on our role in the problem is… difficult.
It requires admitting that something is wrong and that it’s our fault. This way, we shatter our image as flawless and decent and reveal our true selves – flawed and dark.
But that’s good.
Only when you understand you have an issue to address you have a chance to get what you want.
It all comes down to this – when you shift the blame, you’re saying that you’re not involved.
Your brain doesn’t look for solutions because there is no problem. It’s not your fault. You have a scapegoat. Why look further? The case is closed. It looks great on paper, but the culprit is still at large. Because it’s you.
And that’s how you become powerless.
You lose the chance to work on yourself. You never fix your mistakes. And when something doesn’t work, you give up because it’s stupid. Why should you keep writing if no one reads it? Why should you teach your dog to sit if it doesn’t listen to you twice?
Life passes you by.
Do you want to let it pass, or do you prefer to jump right in and stir things up to get what you want?
It’s not your fault that you live below your potential
But it’s your responsibility to lead the life you dream of.
Because you see, it’s not that the world doesn’t influence you. It’s not that parents don’t leave a mark on you that may weigh you down. It’s not that high food prices, rents, apartments, or fuel are irrelevant. It all has an impact, but it doesn’t change anything.
Nobody and nothing cares if you feel victimized.
It’s your job to deal with it. But instead of dealing with what happens to us, we prefer to complain. Instead of accepting a blow and getting up, we lie down and whine. But eventually, you have to get up if you want to get anywhere. You know that.
Nothing comes by itself.
The worst thing you can do is to constantly make excuses. Because that’s just wasting energy and your potential. Then you end up spending hours with your phone and a dick in your hands. But we can discover together how to deal with what we have in life.
We can seek solutions instead of who to blame.
Isn’t it tiring that you don’t have money? That you live from paycheck to paycheck? That you don’t have time for your childhood dreams? Deep down, in your heart, soul, and mind, you know you want to live your life, not some cheap imitation.
But what if you lack the energy and time to manifest your dreams?
Time and energy are your most precious resources
Your problem isn’t a lack of energy or time.
Your problem is what you use them for. You have a problem managing resources. Because everything you do, including thinking and feeling, requires time and energy. And you’re frivolous with both.
You think and feel in a way that works as an anchor.
Instead of thinking about how to stop eating sweets, you deflect your candy problems. You blame weight, bad feelings, and weather. And since it’s easier and makes you feel innocent, the excess energy goes into porn and eating more sweets.
Yes, yes, instead of meeting a woman who will suit you, you masturbate to other people having sex.
Then you sit down to watch another Netflix series. Or you waste time browsing 9gag, Instagram, and Facebook. That’s where your energy and time go. You waste your resources on them day after day.
You sit there, wondering why you don’t have any juice to follow your dreams after another orgasm and a donut.
But that’s not the end.
Spending life satisfying your whims cuts you off from the magic of compounded interest. Or to be precise, it cuts you off on the positive end. Because that interest still works, but to your disadvantage. More and more of your energy goes into a vacuum, and you have less and less energy to do what you dream of.
What if you tried to get what you dreamed of as a child?
What if you tried writing, programming, or public speaking? With each attempt, you’d get better. Just like with each masturbation, you increase your skill. Now you can orgasm in seconds. That’s why for each next attempt, you need less energy.
But it’s even better. Not only would you do something you benefit from, but you’d also gain an additional advantage.
I noticed that movement in a positive direction generates energy.
In addition to becoming more efficient, and using energy for doing good, you have more. Perhaps we gain access to resources that are otherwise blocked? I don’t know, but I and millions of people experience this phenomenon. And I explained to myself that we like to pursue a goal we decided to pursue.
Doing so enables a feeling of meaning. It’s almost like going after your goals and dreams opens the way to positive feelings. But the key decision is to take responsibility for your life. Because then you can start improving. Finally, you can use your resources according to your dreams, not whims.
You’re then working towards something greater than yourself. A self you’d someday become, if you’d take responsibility for who you are now.
Have a great week!