Category: Motivation
Remarkably Simple Way To Conquer Fear Of Failure, So You Can Build Your Dream Life
Photo by Johannes Plenio Do you remember when Bitcoin was worth less than a dollar? Why haven’t you hopped on board, even for $100? It wouldn’t ruin you. I didn’t because I was scared of losing money. I was unable to assess the risks-to-reward ratio. It’s because the fear of failure exaggerated the risk. I…
How I Run Out of Sleep Not Doing Anything While Wanting Everything
I felt like a gun shell. A bullet was fired a long time ago. Now empty inside. Without potential. There was no meaning in my life. The existential dread kept me up at night. I was afraid of going to sleep. Because of the fact I did nothing of value. And if you can’t sleep,…
How to Approach Success Advice to Gain What You Want
Question advice to move forward, not to stand still. Success advice is cherry-picked. It’s uncertain. Certainty is a utopia.