Category: Personal Development

  • 20 Strategies How to Get Your Shit Together With D.O.S.E

    20 Strategies How to Get Your Shit Together With D.O.S.E

    You’re a DOSE away from satisfaction Are you tired of waking up without the energy to get out of bed? Everyone talks about taking action. But you just lie there daydreaming. Thinking how nice it would be… If you could get everything without doing anything. But that wouldn’t be nice. Our bodies evolved over thousands…

  • How I Try to Control Desires and Find Peace

    How I Try to Control Desires and Find Peace

    In the relentless pursuit of desires, we often lose sight of what truly matters. Join me on a journey of self-discovery as I share personal experiences and practical insights on overcoming the urge for more. Learn how to find inner peace, build a life of purpose, and break free from the cycle of endless longing.…

  • The Trick to Stop Thinking You’re Losing When You Fail

    The Trick to Stop Thinking You’re Losing When You Fail

    Redefine failures and mistakes as lessons to get more chances for success We’ve all been there — reliving a mistake that feels like the end of the world. But what if we could make it and feel ok afterward? Not happy or dismissive, just ok to tackle the problem with a clear head. Subscribed What…

  • How Leaving Expectations Behind Lets Me Enjoy Bali on My Terms

    How Leaving Expectations Behind Lets Me Enjoy Bali on My Terms

    How can you spoil your trip to Bali? By having expectations, reality knows nothing about. Then, come here only to see what a wasteland it is. We often expect our vacations to be remarkable.

  • How to Avoid These 7 Mistakes to Enjoy Your Life After 30

    How to Avoid These 7 Mistakes to Enjoy Your Life After 30

    Making mistakes doesn’t make you a bad person, but repeating and denying them does. It boils down to the fact that the biggest mistake is not accepting your mistakes. When you don’t get the desired results and constantly blame the world, you deny making mistakes.