How Leaving Expectations Behind Lets Me Enjoy Bali on My Terms
How can you spoil your trip to Bali? By having expectations, reality knows nothing about. Then, come here only to see what a wasteland it is. We often expect our vacations to be remarkable.
5 Mistakes to Avoid So You Can Make Habit Building A Breeze
3. Expecting Immediate Results How is your life? If you’d measure if you do good or bad, how would you start? I’d check if my daily actions are aligned with my long-term goals. But also if my long-term goals are aligned with what I value in life. You see, we’re complicated beasts, not knowing ourselves…
Remarkably Simple Way To Conquer Fear Of Failure, So You Can Build Your Dream Life
Photo by Johannes Plenio Do you remember when Bitcoin was worth less than a dollar? Why haven’t you hopped on board, even for $100? It wouldn’t ruin you. I didn’t because I was scared of losing money. I was unable to assess the risks-to-reward ratio. It’s because the fear of failure exaggerated the risk. I…
How to Avoid These 7 Mistakes to Enjoy Your Life After 30
Making mistakes doesn’t make you a bad person, but repeating and denying them does. It boils down to the fact that the biggest mistake is not accepting your mistakes. When you don’t get the desired results and constantly blame the world, you deny making mistakes.
How I Compare Myself to Get What I Want And Feel Envigorated
Compare consciously to maximize the benefits Photo by Karolina Grabowska Can you run away from comparing yourself to others? No. But there are two ways to use comparison. The first is to check what’s there in the world. The second is self-pity and anger. I went for the second option most of the time. Five…
How Leaving Expectations Behind Lets Me Enjoy Bali on My Terms
How can you spoil your trip to Bali? By having expectations, reality knows nothing about. Then, come here only to see what a wasteland it is. We often expect our vacations to be remarkable.
5 Mistakes to Avoid So You Can Make Habit Building A Breeze
3. Expecting Immediate Results How is your life? If you’d measure if you do good or bad, how would you start? I’d check if my daily actions are aligned with my long-term goals. But also if my long-term goals are aligned with what I value in life. You see, we’re complicated beasts, not knowing ourselves…
Remarkably Simple Way To Conquer Fear Of Failure, So You Can Build Your Dream Life
Photo by Johannes Plenio Do you remember when Bitcoin was worth less than a dollar? Why haven’t you hopped on board, even for $100? It wouldn’t ruin you. I didn’t because I was scared of losing money. I was unable to assess the risks-to-reward ratio. It’s because the fear of failure exaggerated the risk. I…
How to Avoid These 7 Mistakes to Enjoy Your Life After 30
Making mistakes doesn’t make you a bad person, but repeating and denying them does. It boils down to the fact that the biggest mistake is not accepting your mistakes. When you don’t get the desired results and constantly blame the world, you deny making mistakes.
How I Compare Myself to Get What I Want And Feel Envigorated
Compare consciously to maximize the benefits Photo by Karolina Grabowska Can you run away from comparing yourself to others? No. But there are two ways to use comparison. The first is to check what’s there in the world. The second is self-pity and anger. I went for the second option most of the time. Five…
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Are you lost? Do you feel life is a meaningless stream of stress and pain, with just a moments of joy?
I did for most of my life.
But journaling helped me see I’m the one who gives my life meaning.
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