Tag: Mistakes to Avoid
How I Try to Control Desires and Find Peace
In the relentless pursuit of desires, we often lose sight of what truly matters. Join me on a journey of self-discovery as I share personal experiences and practical insights on overcoming the urge for more. Learn how to find inner peace, build a life of purpose, and break free from the cycle of endless longing.…
How to Approach Success Advice to Gain What You Want
Question advice to move forward, not to stand still. Success advice is cherry-picked. It’s uncertain. Certainty is a utopia.
5 Remarkable Mistakes People Struggle to Avoid On Spiritual Journey
Going full on the spiritual train solves none of your problems When you decide to start a journey, it means you lack something. It’s never easy to admit you’re not feeling good enough. And it’s even harder to change your feelings. Discovering yourself through spirituality is an act of courage. You face your demons willingly. But…