Tag: Problem Solving
The Common Mistake I Made Before Turning 30 That Kept Me From Building the Life I Wanted
You can have the life you want, but you must reflect on what that means for you Photo by Karolina Grabowska Mistakes are inevitable, but denying them and wasting your life is not. But that’s what you do when you never self-reflect. Imagine this: You see someone who doesn’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom.…
How Do You Make To-Do List Calming After Years of Increased Anxiety
Stop being a slave to your to-do list Take a deep breath, and plan for your dreams Do you know the feeling when you see your plan and know you won’t make it?I do. Every morning, I would open my notebook with tasks and goals. A never-ending list of chores, deadlines, and responsibilities. I struggled…
The Lack Of Progress May Be a Progress If You Need a Break
Are you struggling to write? Are you afraid of failure? Learn how to overcome procrastination and write for the right reasons, even when you don’t feel like it.
Embrace This Essential Truth to Unlock Your Path to Success
We all want to succeed. Success is a concept that has captivated minds since the beginning of time. All want to taste the sweet fruits of accomplishing one’s goal. To bathe in glory. There is one problem. We assume the world is just.