
  • Great Relationships Are Not Given

    Great Relationships Are Not Given

    Great relationships are not given or found, they are built. Instead of searching for the perfect partner, I focus on becoming one. Until now, I never tried. The fear of rejection stifled my thoughts about opening up, like a guardian safeguarding me from failure, but killing me in the process. Whenever I shared something I…

  • How I Try to Control Desires and Find Peace

    How I Try to Control Desires and Find Peace

    In the relentless pursuit of desires, we often lose sight of what truly matters. Join me on a journey of self-discovery as I share personal experiences and practical insights on overcoming the urge for more. Learn how to find inner peace, build a life of purpose, and break free from the cycle of endless longing.…

  • 5 Simple Rules Help Me Reclaim Time And Energy To Build The Life I Want

    5 Simple Rules Help Me Reclaim Time And Energy To Build The Life I Want

    How to exploit responsibility to manifest your dream life Have you considered yourself a victim of life?  I had.  For years it was the only way I considered myself. But the question is how to go from being the victim to being the master of your fate. It’s simpler than you think. But never easy.…

  • How to Avoid Victim’s Fate, Reclaim Time and Energy by Embracing This One Thing

    How to Avoid Victim’s Fate, Reclaim Time and Energy by Embracing This One Thing

    You are a victim. You’re not to blame. Everything happens to you. Lack of money to fulfill your dreams is the fault of the government, oil prices, and rising rents. The reason why no one understands you is people are stupid. And why do you occasionally explode with anger? Your parents’ fault. They didn’t teach…

  • The Trick to Stop Thinking You’re Losing When You Fail

    The Trick to Stop Thinking You’re Losing When You Fail

    Redefine failures and mistakes as lessons to get more chances for success We’ve all been there — reliving a mistake that feels like the end of the world. But what if we could make it and feel ok afterward? Not happy or dismissive, just ok to tackle the problem with a clear head. Subscribed What…

  • Great Relationships Are Not Given

    Great Relationships Are Not Given

    Great relationships are not given or found, they are built. Instead of searching for the perfect partner, I focus on becoming one. Until now, I never tried. The fear of rejection stifled my thoughts about opening up, like a guardian safeguarding me from failure, but killing me in the process. Whenever I shared something I…

  • How I Try to Control Desires and Find Peace

    How I Try to Control Desires and Find Peace

    In the relentless pursuit of desires, we often lose sight of what truly matters. Join me on a journey of self-discovery as I share personal experiences and practical insights on overcoming the urge for more. Learn how to find inner peace, build a life of purpose, and break free from the cycle of endless longing.…

  • 5 Simple Rules Help Me Reclaim Time And Energy To Build The Life I Want

    5 Simple Rules Help Me Reclaim Time And Energy To Build The Life I Want

    How to exploit responsibility to manifest your dream life Have you considered yourself a victim of life?  I had.  For years it was the only way I considered myself. But the question is how to go from being the victim to being the master of your fate. It’s simpler than you think. But never easy.…

  • How to Avoid Victim’s Fate, Reclaim Time and Energy by Embracing This One Thing

    How to Avoid Victim’s Fate, Reclaim Time and Energy by Embracing This One Thing

    You are a victim. You’re not to blame. Everything happens to you. Lack of money to fulfill your dreams is the fault of the government, oil prices, and rising rents. The reason why no one understands you is people are stupid. And why do you occasionally explode with anger? Your parents’ fault. They didn’t teach…

  • The Trick to Stop Thinking You’re Losing When You Fail

    The Trick to Stop Thinking You’re Losing When You Fail

    Redefine failures and mistakes as lessons to get more chances for success We’ve all been there — reliving a mistake that feels like the end of the world. But what if we could make it and feel ok afterward? Not happy or dismissive, just ok to tackle the problem with a clear head. Subscribed What…